U-C: What I See

Monday, September 06, 2004

Welcome to U-C: What I See


Many of you have expressed interest in hearing from me about my travels over the coming two years as I travel as Moderator of the Presbyterian Church (USA). I confess that I knew nothing about blogging, but I have been helped immensely by Dave Hackett, who works for the Presbyterian Frontier Fellowship, and who is far more savvy than I about such things.

So, I will try to post new thoughts and reflections every couple of days as I travel, and more often as the mood strikes me. There is a way that others can comment on the items I post. All I ask is that you do so in a way that is affirming and uplifting, and that you commit to use language that others will not find offensive.

Another friend is working on a "Forum" site where it will be easier for folks who are intrigued by ideas that come up as I travel can converse and brainstorm with one another. We hope to have that site up and running within a couple of weeks as well.

Finally, the PC(USA) website is also working on a section of their site called "Where's Rick" to help you keep up with my itinerary.

Let me know what you think. You can always write to me at rickpcusa@borderlinks.org.

Blessings on you.
